There were 8 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in October McGinity Trophy

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

steel wool
Leona Broekman – First Place
A Grade Open Colour Digital

High St Exeter UK
John Banson – First Place
A Grade Open Monochrome Digital

steel wool
Leona Broekman – First Place
A Grade Creative Digital Image

Frog On A Limb
Ian Irwin – First Place
B Grade Open Colour Digital

Field of Gold
Cassandra Weekes – First Place
B Grade Open Colour Digital

Patricia Chaffey – First Place
B Grade Open Monochrome Digital

Here Comes The Rain
Cassandra Weekes – First Place
B Grade Creative Digital Image

Blue Violet
Lyn Craggs – First Place
McGinty Trophy All Grades -: In your backyard