Welcome to Tamworth Camera Club

The Tamworth Camera Club is made up of people who enjoy the art of photography.  We have members from all walks of life and varying experience in photography. You can shoot film or digital, SLR or compact, everyone is welcome.

The idea of the club is to exchange ideas, knowledge, techniques and to help each other become the best photographer that you can be.   Tamworth Camera Club holds monthly training nights, monthly photographic competitions and organised outings.

For new members who have registered for the website, can you please email the secretary so we can add you to the Members’ page?
Thank you.
// Action for CLUBS

President:  Sharon Ritchie

Vice President: Haley Robinson

Secretary: John Banson
Email: secretarytamworthcameraclub@outlook.com

 Treasurer : Angelina Nelson

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Patricia Caffey

 Activities Coordinator : David Murray

 Training Officer: Tony Green

 Technical/Property Officer: Fay Renton

Publicity Officer/Newsletter: Terese Miller
Email: editortamworthcameraclub@outlook.com

Message from a past member.

I received a wonderful message from one of our past members, Di Hall, who move to Perth to be closer to her family. She started the message with I hope you remember me… I can assure you she is not forgotten. She has started to enter competitions again and there is no doubt in my mind that she would be successful because we use to see the wonderful images she entered in our club competitions. I thought I would share her message as it is great to see she enjoyed and still miss the friendships from being a member of our organisation.

Hi Digby…Hope you remember me…It’s been a while. I just wanted to let you know this week I won the Championship ribbon at the Nyngan Show for an action image as well as the most successful exhibitor of the fine arts and photography pavilion with 13 firsts and 5 seconds in a range of photography sections …I’m not claiming too many accolades here as my knowledge and success is almost totally due to the Tamworth Camera Club and your generosity. The sharing of knowledge, skills, friendship, and fun was amazing within its members and now are greatly missed. Whilst these small country show photographic competitions are not of the same caliber as Tamworth, I thought some members might like to know the knowledge they pass down and share over years carries on with us where ever we go delivering tons of joy and great experiences …I’m so grateful and privileged for having been a member for 5 years. Feel free to pass on my sentiments at the next get together or whatever.

Thanks Di for all the great memories about the club and we wish you and all your family all the best for the future. Safe snapping… Regards Digby.

by Digby Brown, May 22, 2019

Competitions in May are closing soon!

Competitions in May will close Friday, 10th May 2019, 12:00 AM.

Entries can be made in the following areas:

  • All Grades Award Digital Wal Trophy – Subject: Star burst
  • A Grade Colour Large Print Open Colour
  • A Grade Mono Large Print Open Monochrome
  • A Grade Creative Large Print Creative
  • B Grade Colour Large Print Open Colour
  • B Grade Mono Large Print Open Monochrome
  • B Grade Creative Large Print Creative
  • C Grade Colour Large Print Open Colour
  • C Grade Mono Large Print Open Monochrome
  • C Grade Creative Large Print Creative

All members are encouraged to enter.

by , May 7, 2019

Camera Club Meeting 7th May 2019 @ 7 pm.

Everyone is welcome to the May meeting at West Diggers starting at 7 pm. We have a couple of Zone Convention motions to discuss and vote on plus we need to finalise the Set Subject topic for the 2020 Zone convention that being held in Tamworth.

After the meeting, we get to view the images and find out the results from this months competition. With the new website up and running, it’s been decided that everyone will upload their digitals images via the website, so you need to make sure you are registered. If you having a problem uploading your photos, bring your digital images along and Nev or Digby will help you upload it.

After viewing the images, for those who want to stay, Digby will be giving a presentation on using the new website.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

by Digby Brown, April 26, 2019

Training Night 23 April 2019

For those who want to have a photograph critique, we need to start at 6 pm sharp as we have a lot to discuss in a short period of time.

If you have a photo that you want to get a feel of what others think about it, then bring it along.

All you need to do is print a hardcopy (don’t mount it but the print needs to be at least a 5 X 7 inches or bigger.) Then put a digital copy onto a USB stick and bring both to the session.

Your image will be handed around the group and everyone will get to write a comment on it. It will then be projected, you can tell us your concept behind creating it and then the group will discuss it.  This is a fantastic way to get a feel of whether you are on the right track with your image creation.

The main event starts at 7pm. We will take look at the Competition Set Subject for June which is Colourising. This is generally a monochrome image with a single object coloured to heighten the realism of the photograph, or for artistic purposes, or to place emphasis on that object.

We will finish up look at how to use the Myphotoclub website and show you how to register, up load competition images and use the site.

We look forward to seeing you at
the Training Night.
Any question please forward to Tony Green.

Email: secretarytamworthcameraclub@outlook.com

by Digby Brown, April 15, 2019